Following the adopted schedule for thematic meetings of the target group, a second theoretical training was held on 20 and 21 November 2017. The participants were divided into four subgroups and attended four different lessons of discussion and personal presentations related to the job interview. The mentor of the students was Assoc. Prof. Dr. Galina Zaharieva - expert in the project.
The theoretical part of the training was structured in four directions:
- Types of interviews for selecting human resources;
- Sample questions and answers during a job interview;
- Behavior during a job interview;
- Appear when you get a job interview.
The main purpose of the meeting was to familiarize the participants with the main types of interviews, to think and outline what behavior should be followed, what responses are useful in selecting them as a possible successful candidate.
Following the individual presentation of each participant in the project on the different aspects discussed, the basic conclusions reached can be summarized as follows: first - knowing the different types of interviews allows preliminary preparation of the candidate and confidence when invited to a meeting with a representative of employer; second. The preparation of sample core questions allows the candidate to prepare answers in advance to present it in the most appropriate light.
Third. Appropriate behavior and appearance during an interview is a testimony of social status, intelligence, as well as commitment to the company's activities.