

The Bulgarian partner of the project "A Chance for Development" - the Academy of Economics "D. A. Tsenov "Svishtov held an information event (press conference) to report on the progress in the implementation of the project" Chance for Development ", financed under the cross-border cooperation program INTERREG VA Romania-Bulgaria, project code № / e-MS code ROBG -176. The press-conference was held on May 17, 2018 at 11:30 am in the Rectorate Hall of the Academy.
The total cost of the project amounts to EUR 648 094.73: EUR 550880.52 from the European Regional Development Fund, EUR 84252.31 from the national budget of Romania and Bulgaria, and EUR 12961.90 from the partners in the project. The duration of the project is two years (from 16.05.2017 to 15.05.2019). The lead beneficiary is the University of Craiova, Romania, and partners from Bulgaria are the Academy of Economics "Dimitar A. Tsenov"  - Svishtov and Regional Development Foundation - Vidin.
The event was attended by members of the target group, the project manager and financial manager at the Craiova University, the project implementation team from the Academy, representatives of the Academic Center for Career Counseling and Public Relations, the Labor Office - Svishtov and business organizations.