

The first theoretical training about how to create and individual career development plan, organized by Svisthov Academy of Economics, was conducted on 16 and 17 October 2017. The mentor of the students was assoc. Prof. Dr. Galina Zaharieva - expert on the project.

The theoretical part of the training was structured in three directions:

- Steps for career planning;

- Description of job resumes and definition of goals;

- Development of an individual development plan.

The main purpose of the meeting was to challenge participants to think and to describe what is their current position, what kind of job they would prefer in the future, how their goal can be achieved, what action is needed.

Each representative of the target group had the time and opportunity to demonstrate his/her main goals and what is their dreamed career. For this purpose, their main field of interests have been discussed along with the knowledge, skills and competencies they currently hold, reasons for choosing the desired position or/and whether this position corresponds to the desired professional realization.

After individual presentations of the developed career development plans, with the help of the mentor, mutual discussions and opinions, the participants received useful experience and recommendations related to the planning of their future professional development in the desired career.