

On November 26, 2018, the project team on behalf of the Academy for Economics, Svisthov, implemented a practical training, dedicated to the specifics of the commercial representation. The trainer of the target group was Mr. Detelin Gogov - Procurator of Optimas OE Solutions Ltd., Gorna Oryahovitsa. The company carries out trade, including wholesale, as well as on behalf of third parties, bolts and nuts, assortments of screws, metals, plastics, technical articles, tools and metal-cutting machines and other value-added services. The company is a foreign legal entity based in the United Kingdom. The only representative for Bulgaria is OPTIMAS OE Solutions, whose procuratorate is entrusted to Mr. Gogov.

The learners were acquainted with the history of the company, with the industries, connected to the company and with the main activities and the products of the company. Mr. Gogov shared know-how in the following areas:

-        conducting commercial negotiations with contractors;

-        deliveries – from the manufacturer to customers at each geographic point of view;

-        Pricing policy of the producer company and flexible pricing according to local conditions;

-        location of main warehouses in the country and control over their activities;

-        compliance with the quality standards and the importance of certification in terms of performance.

The learners were given the task of creativity to apply their practical knowledge in the following aspects:

-        Own business, commercial representation, franchising, in-house, subcontracting or what form of business development would they prefer?

-        In what sphere of activity do they predict competitiveness in our country?

-        How would they fund their activities?

-        How will they manage relationships with counterparties?

At the end of the training seminar, each student received recommendations and final evaluation from Mr. Detelin Gogov. The results of the seminar can be systematized in the following areas: getting practical experience from an active business entity; mutual discussion of ideas and verifying their realization in practice; demonstrating the importance of the theoretical preparation for practical realization of the graduates.